In the game, you start on the main menu. You can either click start or quit. After that, to move left and right, you either press down on the left or the right or use A and D, respectively. The game jumps for you. In the web version, the quit button doesn't work, and there are a few bugs. This game is generally just a proof of concept that I can export Python games to HTML5.


Code 2.1 MB
Space Jump V1.1 Windows 29 MB
colorclick-0.1-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a-debug.apk 30 MB

Install instructions

This game can be played online, but if you want to download it, you can either download the code and export it to an executable or download it for Windows. To download the game code, first you download the code off of the downloads tab and then figure out how to export it to the respective executable for your OS

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